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News & Topics 2008
- Dec. 26, 2008
"Notice Regarding Changes in the Forecasts, the Recording of an Extraordinary Loss,Changes in the Dividend Forecasts and the Decrease of Director Remuneration" has been added to the "IR Topics" page in the "Investor Relations" section.
- Dec. 19, 2008
"Interim Report 2009" has been added to the "Annual Reviews" page in the "Investor Relations" section.
- Dec. 18, 2008
"Notice Regarding Market Buying of Own Shares and Termination of Share Repurchase" has been added to the "IR Topics" page in the "Investor Relations" section.
- Nov. 18, 2008
The presentation document in the Conference on Business Results for The Six Months of FY2009 has been added to the "Investor Relations" section.
- Nov. 14, 2008
"Notice Regarding the Recording of an Allowance for Investment Loss to a Subsidiary and Changes in the Forecasts " has been added to the "IR Topics" page in the "Investor Relations" section.
- Nov. 14, 2008
"Notice Regarding Decision of Matters Concerning the Repurchase of Own Shares " has been added to the "IR Topics" page in the "Investor Relations" section.
- Nov. 14, 2008
"Consolidated Financial Results for the Six Months of the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2009" has been added to the "Financial Results" page in the "Investor Relations" section.
- Aug. 19, 2008
"Notice Regarding Changes in Forecast" has been added to the "IR Topics" page in the "Investor Relations" section.
- Aug. 19, 2008
"Consolidated Financial Results for 1st Quarter of FY Ending March 31, 2009" has been added to the "Financial Results" page in the "Investor Relations" section.
- Jul. 28, 2008
"Annual Review-2008" has been added to the "Annual Reviews" page in the "Investor Relations" section.
- Jun. 25, 2008
"Notice Regarding Market Buying of Own Shares and Termination of Share Repurchase" has been added to the "IR Topics" page in the "Investor Relations" section.
- May. 19, 2008
"Notice Regarding Retirement of Own Shares" has been added to the "IR Topics" page in the "Investor Relations" section.
- May. 19, 2008
"Notice Regarding Decision of Matters Concerning the Repurchase of Own Shares" has been added to the "IR Topics" page in the "Investor Relations" section.
- May. 19, 2008
The presentation document in the Conference on FY2008 Business Results "Briefing on Business Results -FY2008-" has been added to the "Investor Relations" section.
- May. 19, 2008
"Fiscal-2008 Consolidated Earnings Report" has been added to the "Financial Results" page in the "Investor Relations" section.
- May. 02, 2008
"Notice Regarding Market Buying of Own Shares" has been added to the "IR Topics" page in the "Investor Relations" section.
- May. 02, 2008
Notice Regarding Changes in Forecast FY2008 Consolidated Year-end Results" has been added to the "IR Topics" page in the "Investor Relations" section.
- Mar. 27, 2008
Notice Regarding Changes in Forecast FY2008 Consolidated Year-end Results" has been added to the "IR Topics" page in the "Investor Relations" section.
- Feb. 15, 2008
Notice Regarding Decision of Matters Concerning the Repurchase of Own Shares" has been added to the "IR Topics" page in the "Investor Relations" section.
- Feb. 15, 2008
Fiscal 2008 3rd Quarterly Report of Consolidated Results" has been added to the "Financial Results" page in the "Investor Relations" section.
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