HOME > Corporate Profile

Corporate Profile

Message from Management

Akira Hayama<br/>
President & CEO

Akira Hayama
President & CEO

Corporate Data

An overview of the Company focusing on fundamental data such as our business lineup, executive officers, and organization. Our Corporate Profile is also available in PDF and e-book form.

An overview of the Company focusing on fundamental data such as our business lineup, executive officers, and organization. Our Corporate Profile is also available in PDF and e-book form.

Facilities in Japan

List of Facilities in Japan.

List of Facilities in Japan.

Overseas Directory

Overseas Main Subsidiaries.

Overseas Main Subsidiaries.

Environmental Activities

We implement environmental activities on a company-wide basis.

We implement environmental activities on a company-wide basis.

Efforts for SDGs

We, RISO KAGAKU CORPORATION, contribute to the SDGs in three aspects: Economy, Society, and Environment.

We, RISO KAGAKU CORPORATION, contribute to the SDGs in three aspects: Economy, Society, and Environment.